The Grafted Life Podcast
Conversations about Christian spiritual formation, spiritual direction, soul care, and life with God. A ministry of Grafted Life and ESDA (Christ-Centered Spiritual Directors).
Podcasting since 2022 • 18 episodes
The Grafted Life Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Unhurried Life (with Alan Fadling)
In this episode of the Grafted Life Podcast, Adam Ormord and guest host Stephen Humber are joined by Alan Fadling to discuss what it means to slow down and abide in Christ, living and leading from a place of restfulness, jo...
Episode 18

Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith (with Bill and Kristi Gaultiere)
In this episode of the Grafted Life Podcast, Bill and Kristi Gaultiere are our guests discussing their newest book, Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith. Bill and Kristi are co-founders of Soul Shepherding, psychologists, coaches an...
Episode 17

The Gift of Restlessness (with Casey Tygrett)
Casey Tygrett is our guest on this episode of the Grafted Life Podcast. Adam Ormord and Kelly Arabie of Grafted Life Ministries talk with Casey about his latest book, The Gift of Restlessness. Casey is a pastor, speaker and the ...
Episode 16

Part 6: Exploring God's Design for Transformation (with Danny Mullins)
Adam Ormord and Debbie Swindoll are joined by Danny Mullins in the final episode of our series, “Exploring God’s Design for Transformation.” Danny provided a workshop on Immanuel Prayer for the 2023 ESDA Gathering in Phoenix. Sharing his...
Episode 15

Part 5: Exploring God's Design for Transformation - The Relational Soul
Adam Ormord, Executive Director of Grafted Life Ministries and ESDA, spoke at our ESDA Gathering on the topic of “The Relational Soul.”We are created as God’s beloved, and we learn how to love by experiencing love. “The best gift...
Episode 14